“…ravishingly sung and played by Stephanie Hershaw.”
— S. Schmöe, Online Musik Magazin (Xerxes)

“With dramatic climaxes in great steadfastness, soprano Stephanie Hershaw was captivating as Romilda.”
— T. Krügler, Lippisches Kultur-Journal (Xerxes)

“Hershaw is a harrowing embodiment of this constant pressure placed on Romilda. She clearly formulates steadfastness and fears - a heavily impressive role portrait.”
— T. Hilgemeier, Theaterpur (Xerxes)

“…well matched by Stephanie Hershaw’s sprightly Barbarina, whose ‘L’ho perduta, me meschina’ at the opening of Act IV is all the more moving for its graceful understatement.”
— C. Rogers, Seen and Heard International (Le Nozze di Figaro)

I should pick out for special mention… soprano Stephanie Hershaw for her fresh-voiced rendering of Handelian coloratura.”
— A. Ogus, Opera Now (Silla)

“As Amore, Stephanie Hershaw, having survived an attempt on her life with a little divine assistance, is in show-stealing form, firing her arrows with puckish naughtiness.”
— Broadway World (L’Egisto)

“Hershaw performs the role brilliantly in every respect.”
— S. Schmöe, Online Musik Magazin (Don Giovanni)

“Stephanie Hershaw plays the feisty Suzanne with vivacity, her spirited soprano elevating the role.
— M. Aspen (Robinson Crusoe)

“Stephanie Hershaw more than earns her keep as a richly comic Papagena.”
— The Stage, (Die Zauberflöte)

“Stephanie Hershaw as Zerlina, with her crystal-clear soprano voice and youthfully fresh playing, is the icing on the opera cake.”
— D. Lapp, Kulturfeder (Don Giovanni)

“But [Maayan Licht] is not the only star on this remarkable evening of opera. The soprano Stephanie Hershaw portrayed Romilda, in a manner that is as charming as it is convincing. She finds extremely endearing tones... ‘E gelosia’ is wonderful...”
J. Gahre, Das Opernglas (Xerxes)

“Miss Hershaw's voice was focused and used with ease, and she displayed the best of her art singing the 'Angel in The Christmas Story. She made the high tessitura beautiful and who could ask for more.”
— M. Wagner

Hershaw made an elegant, touching Barbarina in her lovely Act Four aria, whilst her interactions with Horak-Hallett’s Cherubino were delightful fun.”
— R. Hugill, Planet Hugill (Le nozze di Figaro)

“Stephanie Hershaw showed real commitment to detail in her singing and characterisation. A very sophisticated performance, showing a fine lyric soprano with huge imagination and ability.
— R. Berkley-Steele (Winner of Flat Pack Opera Competition 2021)

“Hershaw communicates her predicament intensely, in a beautiful clear voice
— C. Pritchard, Culture Whisperer
(Le nozze di Figaro)

“Hershaw’s Lenio, Maniolo’s fianceé, has a pure and strong-willed tone.”
— A. Lønsted (The Greek Passion)